"Functionality of the Kidneys" by Amber Jourdan


kidneys, urinary system, kidney disease, kidney stones


Anatomy | Endocrine System


Debra Burg


This project is an informative research paper on the role of the kidneys in the urinary system, as well as issues that arise in the kidneys. A brief introduction is given to explain the general function of the urinary system and the importance of the kidneys. Following that, a section of Acute Kidney Injury explains the disease and possible treatments. Additionally, there is a section on kidney stones, how they are formed, and how treatments are administered when a patient presents with this ailment. This paper is not the only piece of this project. In addition, a visual aid will illustrate the information in this paper. This animation will enhance the information and allow the paper to be easily presented if desired.

Additional Files

A. Jourdan MP4.mp4 (592662 kB)
Function of the Kidneys Video
