"Poetry Style Experimentation" by Ian McGuckin


Poetry, Style, Manuscript, Richard Siken, Ben Lerner, Kaveh Akbar, Louise Gluck, Noah Warren, Form




Susan Laidlaw-McCreery


This project is an experimentation in different craft and stylistic approaches to poetry. Each week, a different major contemporary poet was studied through one of their collections. Their work was analyzed and dissected to reveal some of the main stylistic choices they make to achieve their individual effect. After analysis, a handful of these elements were chosen to replicate in the author's own poems. Guided by crafted prompts created to inspire the author towards the chosen poet's style or subject, two to three poems were drafted each week and then revised at the end of the week. In total, this manuscript contains seventeen poems written in the study of the style of six major poets: Richard Siken, Louise Gluck, Carl Phillips, Noah Warren, Ben Lerner, and Kaveh Akbar.

Included in

Poetry Commons
