Papers from the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology Conferences
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In the year of 2004 United Kingdom experienced the wave of immigration from Poland which was recently admitted to the European Union. In 2010 Poland was one of three countries of origin of non-UK born mothers, and the increase in birth rates among Poles in United Kingdom has started in 2005 (Office for National Statistics, 2010; Hayes et al., 2011). The aim of this paper is to examine the perception of various components of medical care received during the course of pregnancy by Polish women residing in the United Kingdom (N = 106). We took under consideration two aspects of female emotional and cognitive functioning: inclination to depression, and empathy. Depression was measured by the Edinburgh Depression Scale (Cox et al., 1987), and empathy was measured by the Empathic Sensitivity Questionnaire (ESQ) (Kazmierczak et al., 2007). As hypothesized pregnant women who scored higher in depression and emotional contagion were also less satisfied with the information they received from the medical staff. Personal distress was the sole empathic dimension, which was associated with dissatisfaction with: a general gynecological care during pregnancy, emotional support from a gynecologist / a midwife, and the quality of medical care provided by a gynecologist / a midwife. Other-oriented empathic tendencies (empathic concern and perspective taking) facilitated cultural adaptation in our sample in respect of dealing with foreign health system in a highly vulnerable time of pregnancy.
ScholarWorks Citation
Kazmierczak, M., Nowak, A., Pastwa-Wojciechowska, B., & Goodwin, R. (2016). Polish baby boom in United Kingdom – Emotional determinants of medical care perception by pregnant Poles in UK. In C. Roland-Lévy, P. Denoux, B. Voyer, P. Boski, & W. K. Gabrenya Jr. (Eds.), Unity, diversity and culture. Proceedings from the 22nd Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology. https://doi.org/10.4087/DCJB1892