
Papers from the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology Conferences

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The association between parenting and child’s psychological states has been studied mainly according to Baumrind’s model of authoritarian, authoritative, and permissive parenting styles or according to Rohner’s acceptance- rejection theory. This study, in contrast, rests on the assumption that since parenting is a complex and dynamic process, it is better studied in terms of parenting profiles comprising several factors than via one or two parenting factors. We administered a questionnaire measuring seven parenting factors that cover various styles of acceptance and control to 975 male and female adolescents together with a scale of psychological states. Our results show that the associations between a parenting factor and psychological states depend on the presence or absence of other parenting factors, thereby justifying the use of parenting profiles rather than parenting factors. The psychological states were associated with the style of control and the parenting profile rather than with the level of control. Two paternal and three maternal parenting profiles were detected, each associated with different levels of psychological states. The profile characterized by high acceptance, rational parenting, and loving-control parenting, and by low compassion evoking, love withdrawal, inconsistent parenting, and authoritarian parenting was associated with better psychological states. To learn more about parental profiles and psychological states, further research in different cultures is needed.

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