Papers from the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology Conferences
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The objective was to study the host acculturation orientation of a sample of 100 French students of a S. France University. For this purpose a nine-items Host Acculturation Scale was used. Observations gave the impression that the students considered it significantly ‘more important’ that the immigrants maintained their heritage culture in their homes rather than doing so in general or at the workplace. Furthermore, it was considered only ‘partially important’ that the immigrants adopted the French norms, values and customs in general and at the workplace, and ‘not important at all’ that they did so in their homes. Ethnic groups were perceived as threatening to the extent of ‘quite a bit’ and, comparatively speaking, they were more acceptable than liked. The correlational observations suggested that those who liked the immigrant groups were also open to accepting them in their country and did not mind that these groups maintained their heritage culture. A modest degree of negative relationship was observed between the overall acceptance for maintaining the heritage culture by the immigrant groups and the perception that these groups were a threat to the mainstream French population. Regarding prediction of the host acculturation orientation, it appeared that liking the immigrants seemed to significantly facilitate the French hosts’ acceptance for maintenance of the heritage culture at the workplace. Moreover, those who perceived the immigrants as a threat to the French people were also likely to expect that the immigrant groups adopted the French ways and customs.
ScholarWorks Citation
Verma, J. (2011). Host acculturation orientation: Some preliminary impressions of the French students on ethnic minority groups in Montpellier, S. France. In F. Deutsch, M. Boehnke, U. Kühnen, & K. Boehnke (Eds.), Rendering borders obsolete: Cross-cultural and cultural psychology as an interdisciplinary, multi-method endeavor: Proceedings from the 19th International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology. https://doi.org/10.4087/SEUZ8805