IACCP Proceedings of the Biennial International Conferences
These IACCP Proceedings contain peer-reviewed academic papers of the XXV Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, 2020+. Additionally, they include links to recorded paper presentations as well as the abstracts.
(c) 2022, International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology
Publication Date
Table of Contents
Volume I: Abstracts and Recordings
List of presented talks with links
Volume II: Selected Papers
Sidler, P. (2022)
Testing Concurrent Validity and Group-Differences of a Four-dimensional Assessment of Attitudes Toward Mutual AcculturationValues and (social) behavior
Panagiotopoulos, A., Giovanetti, I., & Pavlopoulos, V. (2022)
Adjustment of Refugees in Greece as a Social Identity Process: A Longitudinal Study
Kmiotek, Ł. (2022)
Linguistic Competence and Bicultural Identity: Mutually (Re)enforcing or Compensatory Mechanisms for Acculturation?Developmental Psychology
Values and (Social) Behavior
Mosoia, C. & Dincă (2022)
The Effect of Social Axioms on the Relationship Between Needs and Well-BeingHealth
Giovanetti, I., Dimopoulou, M.N., & Pavlopoulos, V. (2022)
What is Socially Responsible During a Pandemic? Exploring the Role of Values, Trust and Adherence to Covid-19 Preventive Measures With a Mixed-Methods Study on Italian and Greek Young People
Czakert, J. P., Reif, J. A. M., & Berger, R. (2022)
Leadership Behavior, Stress, and Presenteeism: A Cross-Cultural Comparison
Moskvitina, O. A. (2022)
Representations of Young People Aged 15-17 About Their Cultural Orientations and the Cultural Orientations of Their Immediate Social Environment Methodology
Developmental Psychology
Kathuria, T., Kapadia, S. & Friedlmeier, W. (2022)
Links Between Maternal Emotion Socialization Goals and Practices in an Urban Indian Context
Oulahal, R. (2022)
The Proximal Zone of Intercultural Development (PZID)
Jiang, X. (2022)
How Collective Childcare Arrangements are Sustained in Rural China During Socioeconomic Transformation
Suzuki, K., Ishibashi, M., Suzuki, Y., & Nitta, F. (2022)
Issue of Multicultural People in Globalizing Japan: (Cultural) Identity, Mental Health and “Ibasho”
Holmberg, J. J., Augustine, L., Datta, S., & Imada, T. (2022)
Expatriate Adolescents’ Resilience: Risk and Protective Factors in the Third Culture Context
Roy, M. (2022)
The Role of Culture in Mental Illness Perspectives in the Quebec Population
Duthely, L. M., Villar-Loubet, O., Akurati, S., & Sanchez Covarrubiais, A. P. (2022)
A Cross Cultural Perspective of Adherence for Racial/Ethnic Minority Women with HIV, Living in the United States
Karl, J. A. & Fischer, R. (2022)
More Than Yes and No: Predicting the Magnitude of Non-Invariance Between Countries from Systematic Features
Social Behavior
Kawabata, T., Koizumi, Y., Xioping, L., & Chong, W. (2022)
A Comparison of Factors Affecting Verbal Aggression Between Japan and China: Emotion and Politeness
ScholarWorks Citation
Klicperova-Baker, M. & Friedlmeier, W. (Eds.) (2022). Xenophobia vs. Patriotism: Where is my Home? Proceedings from the 25th Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology. https://doi.org/10.4087/LAIR9145