Peer Reviewed Articles | Kirkhof College of Nursing | Grand Valley State University


Submissions from 2018


Relationship Between the Cortisol-Estradiol Phase Difference and Affect in Women, Karyn Butler


HIV diagnosis disclosure to infected children and adolescents; challenges of family caregivers in the Central Region of Ghana, Anna Hayfron-Benjamin, Dorcas Obiri-Yeboah, Stephen Ayisi-Addo, Peter Mate Siakwa, and Sylvia Mupepi


It’s not about you—it’s about me, Robert F. Johnson


The Death Debate: Penumbra Conundrum, Robert F. Johnson


Test of an interprofessional collaborative practice model to improve obesity-related health outcomes in Michigan, Jean Nagelkerk, Ramona Benkert, Brenda Pawl, Amber Myers, Lawrence J. Baer, Ann Rayford, Scott J. Berlin, Kimberly Fenbert, Holly Moore, Mark Armstrong, Drew Murray, Phyllis D. Boone, Sandra Masselink, and Carly Jakstys


Improving outcomes in adults with diabetes through an interprofessional collaborative practice program, Jean Nagelkerk, Margaret E. Thompson, Michael Bouthillier, Amy Tompkins, Lawrence J. Baer, Jeff Trytko, Andrew Booth, Adam Stevens, and Kayleah Groeneveld


An Enhanced Actualized DNP Model to Improve DNP Project Placements, Rigor, and Completion: A Research Brief, Marie VanderKooi, Dianne Conrad, and Sandra Spoelstra

Submissions from 2015


Replicable Interprofessional Competency Outcomes from High-Volume, Inter-Institutional, Interprofessional Simulation, Deborah Bambini, Matthew Emery, Margaret de Voest, Lisa Meny, and Michael J. Shoemaker


Search Strategies Used by Older Adults in a Virtual Reality Place Learning Task, Rebecca L. Davis and Catherine Weisbeck


mHealth SMS Text Messaging Interventions and to Promote Medication Adherence: An Integrative Review, Tracy DeKoekkoek, Barbara Given, Charles W. Given, Kimberly Ridenour, Monica Schueller, and Sandra L. Spoelstra


Development of an Index to Predict Risk of Nursing Home Placement for Home and Community-Based Waiver Participants, Sandra L. Spoelstra and Charles W. Given


A Randomized Controlled Trial of the Feasibility and Preliminary Efficacy of a Texting Intervention on Medication Adherence in Adults Prescribed Oral Anti-Cancer Agents: Study Protocol, Sandra L. Spoelstra, Charles W. Given, Alla Sikorskii, Constantinos K. Coursaris, Atreyee Majumder, Tracy DeKoekkoek, Monica Schueller, and Barbara A. Given

Submissions from 2014


A rehabilitation program for lung cancer patients during postthoracotomy chemotherapy, Amy J. Hoffman, Ruth Ann Britnall, Alexander von Eye, Lee W. Jones, Gordon Alderink, Lawrence H. Patzelt, and Jean K. Brown


Knowledge, practice, and barriers toward cervical cancer screening in Elmina, Southern Ghana, Nancy Innocentia Ebu, Sylvia C. Mupepi, Mate Peter Siakwa, and Carolyn M. Sampselle


Effects of Chronic Hepatitis B Infection on Pregnancy and Birth Outcomes in Ghana, Mate Siakwa, Dzigbodi Kpikpitse, Amandus Ankobil, Sylvia C. Mupepi, Mildred John, Patience Doe, Nancy Ebu, Shadrach Dare, and E Hansen Owoo


Neonatal Sepsis in Rural Ghana: A Case Control Study of Risk Factors in a Birth Cohort, Mate Siakwa, Dzigbodi Kpikpitse, Sylvia C. Mupepi, and Mohamed Semuatu


Testing the Differential Effects of Symptom Management Interventions in Cancer, Alla Sikorskii, Charles W. Given, Azfar-E-Alam Siddiqi, Victoria Champion, Ruth McCorkle, Sandra L. Spoelstra, and Barbara A. Given


How Increasing Personal Care Service Might Delay or Prevent Nursing Home Placement, Sandra L. Spoelstra, Charles W. Given, Tracy DeKoekkoek, and Monica Schueller


Interventions Combining Motivational Interviewing and Cognitive Behavior to Promote Medication Adherence: A Literature Review, Sandra L. Spoelstra, Monica Schueller, Melissa Hilton, and Kimberly Ridenour

Submissions from 2012


How Can We Help Minority Nursing Students?, Nancy Schoofs


Fall Prevention in Hospitals: An Integrative Review, Sandra L. Spoelstra, Barbara A. Given, and Charles W. Given

Submissions from 2011


The Challenges of Oral Agents as Antineoplastic Treatments, Barbara A. Given, Sandra L. Spoelstra, and Marcia Grant


Acute Renal Failure Requiring Renal Replacement Therapy in the Intensive Care Unit: Impact on Prognostic Assessment for Shared Decision-Making, Robert F. Johnson Jr. and Jillian Gustin


Policy Implications of Oral Agents, Sandra L. Spoelstra, Barbara A. Given, Charles W. Given, and Marcia Grant


Assessment and Measurement of Adherence to Oral Antineoplastic Agents, Sandra L. Spoelstra and Charles W. Given

Submissions from 2010


Wandering and the Physical Environment, Donna L. Algase, Elizabeth R. A. Beattie, Cathy Antonakos, Cynthia A. Beel-Bates, and Lan Yao


Culture Care Meanings, Beliefs, and Practices in Rural Dominican Republic, Gretchen Schumacher


Falls in the Community Dwelling Elderly with a History of Cancer, Sandra L. Spoelstra, Barbara Given, Alexander von Eye, and Charles W. Given


A Qualitative Study of Role Transition from RN to APN, Sandra L. Spoelstra and Lorraine B. Robbins

Submissions from 2009


Exploring Possibilities: Virtual Reality in Nursing Research, Rebecca L. Davis


Working Memory, Cues, and Wayfinding in Older Women, Rebecca L. Davis, Barbara A. Therrien, and Brady T. West


A Pilot Study of an Automated Voice Response System and Nursing Intervention to Monitor Adherence to Oral Chemotherapy Agents, Veronica Decker, Sandra L. Spoelstra, Emily Miezo, Renee Bremer, Mei You, Charles W. Given, and Barbara A. Given

Submissions from 2008


Addressing Fidelity in Evidence-Based Health Promotion Programs for Older Adults, Janet C. Frank, Cynthia P. Coviak, Tara C. Healy, Basia Belza, and Banghwa L. Casado

Submissions from 2007


Initial Psychometric Evaluation of the Wayfinding Effectiveness Scale, Donna Algase, Gwi-Ryung Son, Cynthia Beel-Bates, Junah Song, Lan Yao, Elizabeth Beattie, and Sara Leitsch


Deference as a Form of Reciprocity Among Residents in Assisted Living, Cindy A. Beel-Bates, Berit Ingersoll-Dayton, and Erika Nelson


Contextual Empowerment: The Impact of Health Brigade Involvement on the Women of Miraflor, Nicaragua, Gayla Jewell


Grandparents Raising Grandchildren: Stressors, Social Support, and Health Outcomes, Sharon Leder, Linda Nicholson Grinstead, and Elisa Torres


Provider Adherence to JNC 7 Guidelines and Blood Pressure Outcomes in African Americans, Rosalind Peters, Ramona Benkert, and Karyn Butler

Submissions from 2005


The Decision to Care: A Life-Altering Experience, Linda D. Scott and Cynthia Arslanian-Engoren

Submissions from 2003


Exploring Contraceptive Pill Taking Among Hispanic Women in the United States, Joseph W. Brown, Antonia M. Villarruel, Deborah Oakley, and Carmen Eribes


Delirium: Elders Tell Their Stories and Guide Nursing Practice, Cynthia McCurren and Sherill Nones Cronin

Submissions from 2002


Blending the Roles of Home Care Nursing and Cardiovascular Specialties: A Model for Nursing Practice in the Community, Margaret A. Guthaus and Diane White


Elders, Values, and Peppermint Candies, Sarah A. Klein and Andrea C. Bostrom


Caring for Survivors of Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation, Linda D. Scott and Cynthia Arslanian-Engoren

Submissions from 1994


Hospital Payment Source and Length-of-Stay, Louette R. Johnson Lutjens