Volume 32, Issue 2 (2017) Race, Language, & Privilege
Featured Article
Thomas Jefferson, Slavery, and the Language of the Textbook: Addressing Problematic Representations of Race and Power
Sarah L. Thomson
Table of Contents
Black Voices Matter
Shenika Hankerson
A Tapestry of Eyes in the Literacy/Literature Class
Gregory Shafer
The International Baccalaureate Learner Profile: A Social Justice Framework in the English Language Arts Classroom
Kristin Sovis and Sarah Pancost
The Consequential Validity of the M-STEP and Third-Grade Retention
Michelle L. Sprouse
A Wood Comes Toward Dunsinane: The Synthesis of Traditional and Constructivist Methodologies
Randall L. Kaplan
Of Lizards and Language
Bernadette Gongora