
Author Biographies

Marisa Frisk is an undergraduate student at Northern Michigan University. She is working towards a Bachelor’s degree in Secondary English Education and works as a substitute teacher during the school year.

Kirsi Anderson teaches second grade at Rudyard Elementary. She is a graduate student at Northern Michigan University.

Emma Barron is a graduate student at Northern Michigan University. She received a bachelor’s degree in English from the University of Michigan.


Growing up is all about figuring things out: who you are, what you care about, what you want to do with your life, and how all of these intersect. Diverse, coming-of-age novels such as Felix Ever After, The Hate U Give, and King and the Dragonflies all explore this by showing how youths’ struggles with their intersecting identities (race, class, gender and/or sexuality) ultimately lead to them figuring out who they are. Through self-discovery and self-acceptance, the protagonists of these YA and middle-grade novels all come to similar realizations that they must embrace themselves to live authentically.

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