"Is It Scholarly? A Lesson Plan for Collaborative Chemistry Information" by Barbara C. Harvey

Document Type

Contribution to Book


Educational Methods | Library and Information Science


This chapter describes a lesson plan that incorporates information literacy into an introductory chemistry course. The learning outcomes of the activity include becoming familiar with the peer-review process, knowing how to locate original research articles based on “clues” in a general news article, and differentiating between popular and scholarly periodicals. Students work in small groups in a collaborative classroom setting. The activities of the lesson plan are mapped to the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education. The lesson plan is supported by a literature review outlining the importance of collaborative, active learning in STEM courses, and highlights the correlation between information literacy instruction and student retention.


Original Citation: Harvey, B. C. (2016). Is it scholarly? In C. Flener Lovitt, K. Shuyler, & Y. Li (Eds.), Integrating Information Literacy into the Chemistry Curriculum (Vol. 1232, pp. 93–103). Oxford, UK: American Chemical Society.

This document is the accepted manuscript version of a published work that appeared in final form in "Integrating Library and Information Literacy Into Chemistry Curricula" copyright © ACS after peer review and technical editing by the publisher. To access the final edited and published work see http://pubs.acs.org/isbn/9780841231740.
