"Online and Hybrid Instructional Design for Liaison Librarians: A New C" by Kimberly A. Kenward and Mary O'Kelly

Document Type

Contribution to Book


Library and Information Science


This chapter focuses on the development of a faculty development program for online and hybrid instruction, which was used to prepare and assist instruction librarians to teach online. This chapter was written to address a challenge many higher institutions face: how to provide quality training for instruction librarians wishing to support their faculty who are transitioning to hybrid or online teaching. We offer a brief overview of our four-week hybrid program, providing practical examples and outcomes of a productive collaboration between instructional designers and instruction librarians.

Library integration into course management systems is not new. In 2004, Kearley and Phillips used the term “embedded librarian” to describe the practice of course-level participation in online classes. Literature searches on embedded librarians and support of online and hybrid courses reveal a steady trend in the growth of library instruction in the online classroom. York and Vance1 provide a thorough review of the professional literature regarding best practices in online library instruction. However, what made our experience different than just an “embedded” approach is that our instruction librarians received certification to be online/hybrid instructors in the exact same format with the same certification requirements as classroom faculty. That certification is officially recognized by the Registrar and Provost offices and puts our instruction librarians on equal footing with our classroom faculty.

The program also provided a new venue for promoting liaison librarian services to faculty and helped put library services in front of online students right in their Blackboard course, at the point of need. Now that 100 percent of our liaison librarians are certified to teach online, the library can offer expanded online instructional services in a variety of innovative formats.


Original Citation:

Kenward, K., & O’Kelly, M. (2017). Online and hybrid instructional design for liaison librarians: A new certification program. In Creative Instructional Design: Practical Applications for Librarians (pp. 243–262). Chicago, IL: Association of College and Research Libraries.
