"From Consumers to Creators: Scaffolding Digital Information Literacy T" by Emily Metcalf, Lisa Louis et al.

Document Type

Contribution to Book


Information Literacy | Library and Information Science


For decades, the Mary and Jeff Bell Library at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi (TAMU-CC) has promoted library services across campus and provided information literacy instruction upon request. Despite these efforts, the library’s reach was not evenly distributed across subject disciplines or course levels, with over half of the instruction occurring at the first-year level. The TAMU-CC librarians knew that to help students become truly information literate, equitable instruction was needed across more disciplines and throughout all course levels.

In the spring of 2018, we encountered an opportunity to create a robust digital information literacy program in the shape of a campus-wide quality enhancement plan (QEP) that was required for accreditation reaffirmation. We in the library wasted no time proposing a digital information literacy program that would be scaffolded into every undergraduate’s academic career at TAMU-CC.

The resulting I-Know program, built with broad campus support by a diverse team of staff, faculty, and students, is a scaffolded plan for digital information literacy instruction whereby students learn in stages how to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information effectively and responsibly. Throughout their years on campus, students will grapple with the discomfort of learning to interact in new information environments and overcome the fears of what it means to author information as they transform themselves into critical consumers and responsible creators of information.


Original Citation:

Metcalf, Emily, Lisa Louis, Catherine Rudowsky, and Tara Carlisle. "From Consumers to Creators: Scaffolding Digital Information Literacy Throughout the Undergraduate Curriculum." In Instructional Identities and Information Literacy, Volume Two. Edited by Amanda Nichols Hess. Chicago: ACRL, 2023, pp. 109-119. https://hdl.handle.net/1969.6/96687
