"Scaffolding Isn’t Just for Window-Washers Anymore: ILCCs – a Scaffolde" by Debbie Morrow


Library and Information Science


Over the last several years, the University Libraries' Research & Instruction Division librarians developed a set of "Information Literacy Core Competencies" (ILCCs), based on information literacy standards adopted by the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) in 2000. Competencies were locally revised and tailored specifically to complement the institution’s General Education Program skills goals. Session participants will be introduced to the Information Literacy Core Competencies document, and to the Liaison Librarians' goal of incorporating the ILCCs into their course support and classroom instruction. Librarians use the ILCC skills goals and learning objectives to focus plans for single information literacy sessions, one or more of an instructor’s course objectives, or components of a collaboratively designed assignment within a course. Using the example of a lesson presented in a pre-engineering lab, the presenter will lead the group through an exploration of the ILCC document, its use in helping to focus information literacy instruction goals, and its application in one particularly distinctive setting. Participants will be invited to consider how they might collaborate with a faculty member to incorporate an ILCC-based component into a course in which they assist, and to share ideas during the session.
