
Accessibility, Customer Service, Universal Design, ADA, Disability, Disabilities, Accommodation, Libraries, Planning


Accessibility | Library and Information Science


Accessibility permeates all aspects of our public-facing work. Being accessible is in every aspect of workflow development and application for user services and support. Many more than the manager are involved in the development and application of our guidelines, practices and procedures. It is everyone’s responsibility.

The session covered:

  • What is accessibility?
  • Accessible Customer Service
    • Leading Practices
    • Practical approaches to delivery
    • Planning with Accessibility in Mind
    • Resources to learn more about accessibility in libraries

The session is premised on goal of accessibility, or moving beyond compliance. As such, accessible means that a person with a disability is afforded the opportunity to acquire the same information, engage in the same interactions, and enjoy the same services as a person without a disability in an equally effective and equally integrated manner, with substantially equivalent use of ease. As fully, equally, and as independently as a person without a disability.

Further, it anchors on four principles: dignity, independence, integration, and equality of opportunity.

2019 Accessibility Roundtable Handouts.docx (87 kB)
Accessibility Roundtable Handouts - 2019
