Student Work in the Public Sphere: Bringing the Collaboration Back into the Learning Commons

Presentation Type

Lighting Round (8 minutes)

Presentation Theme

Promote innovative services, programs, or technologies

Start Date

11-8-2015 2:00 PM

End Date

11-8-2015 3:00 PM


The Learning Commons’ mission is to support student success by

providing a space that encourages active, collaborative learning

but in truth many students prefer to use the Learning Commons

for quiet study and to keep collaborative learning in the

classroom. How can we encourage students to take full

advantage of the dynamic and creative nature of spaces like the

Learning Commons? How do we make sure that collaborative

learning in the Learning Commons is a component and not a

barrier to student success? Learn about some of the ways the

Learning Commons is collaborating with faculty to give students’

work life beyond the classroom and to create a dynamic and

creative space where collaborative learning can take place.


Keywords: student success, student work, collaborative learning, creative use of spaces, course integration

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Aug 11th, 2:00 PM Aug 11th, 3:00 PM

Student Work in the Public Sphere: Bringing the Collaboration Back into the Learning Commons

The Learning Commons’ mission is to support student success by

providing a space that encourages active, collaborative learning

but in truth many students prefer to use the Learning Commons

for quiet study and to keep collaborative learning in the

classroom. How can we encourage students to take full

advantage of the dynamic and creative nature of spaces like the

Learning Commons? How do we make sure that collaborative

learning in the Learning Commons is a component and not a

barrier to student success? Learn about some of the ways the

Learning Commons is collaborating with faculty to give students’

work life beyond the classroom and to create a dynamic and

creative space where collaborative learning can take place.