Modified Chromenes as Precursors to TAAR Regulators

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Matthew Hart




Kirkhof Center KC36

Start Date

11-4-2012 9:00 AM


Life Science, Physical Science


200 million people worldwide are living with a thyroid disorder related to a hormonal imbalance. Symptoms of this imbalance include deviations from normal heart rates and metabolic rates. Recent discoveries have shown that a compound known as T1AM is capable of affecting some of these physiological conditions. Our approach is to learn more about how T1AM activates its cognate receptor TAAR through the synthesis of novel regulators. These regulators resemble T1AM. For example, the molecular scaffold that is the basis of our target compounds (known as chromenes) is more rigid than T1AM due to the incorporation of a ring. To date, our research has focused on optimizing the reactions that produce this scaffold. The successful production of a panel of these chromenes has set the stage for subsequent reactions that will allow us to generate many T1AM analogues. By understanding the regulation of TAAR we may gain a greater understanding of its role in biology and human physiology.

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Apr 11th, 9:00 AM

Modified Chromenes as Precursors to TAAR Regulators

Kirkhof Center KC36

200 million people worldwide are living with a thyroid disorder related to a hormonal imbalance. Symptoms of this imbalance include deviations from normal heart rates and metabolic rates. Recent discoveries have shown that a compound known as T1AM is capable of affecting some of these physiological conditions. Our approach is to learn more about how T1AM activates its cognate receptor TAAR through the synthesis of novel regulators. These regulators resemble T1AM. For example, the molecular scaffold that is the basis of our target compounds (known as chromenes) is more rigid than T1AM due to the incorporation of a ring. To date, our research has focused on optimizing the reactions that produce this scaffold. The successful production of a panel of these chromenes has set the stage for subsequent reactions that will allow us to generate many T1AM analogues. By understanding the regulation of TAAR we may gain a greater understanding of its role in biology and human physiology.