The Effects of Relationship Quality and Self-Construal on Filial Anxiety

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Mentor Information

Mihaela Friedlmeier




Kirkhof Center KC 78

Start Date

11-4-2012 9:00 AM


Culture, Social Science


Filial anxiety is defined as the state of worry or concern an individual experiences regarding the anticipated decline in health as well as the ability to meet caregiving needs for an aging parent, either prior to or during the provision of care (Cicirelli, 1998). Cultures are different in terms of norms and obligations towards intergenerational support. The purpose of the current study is to examine the effects that relationship quality between generations as well as personal characteristics have on filial anxiety. A sample of N=293 middle aged daughters from Michigan, US (individualistic culture) was compared to samples from rural and urban China (collectivistic culture), N=300. This study shows that there are diverse qualifiers in both cultures to be fillially anxious. Not only does it depend on the individual, as measured by self-construal, but also on the overall relationship with the parents.

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Apr 11th, 9:00 AM

The Effects of Relationship Quality and Self-Construal on Filial Anxiety

Kirkhof Center KC 78

Filial anxiety is defined as the state of worry or concern an individual experiences regarding the anticipated decline in health as well as the ability to meet caregiving needs for an aging parent, either prior to or during the provision of care (Cicirelli, 1998). Cultures are different in terms of norms and obligations towards intergenerational support. The purpose of the current study is to examine the effects that relationship quality between generations as well as personal characteristics have on filial anxiety. A sample of N=293 middle aged daughters from Michigan, US (individualistic culture) was compared to samples from rural and urban China (collectivistic culture), N=300. This study shows that there are diverse qualifiers in both cultures to be fillially anxious. Not only does it depend on the individual, as measured by self-construal, but also on the overall relationship with the parents.