Can You Use Your Hand? Mirror-tracing Familiar and Unfamiliar Objects Across Genders

Presentation Type


Presenter Major(s)

Accounting, Social Work

Mentor Information

Gordon Alderink, Bradley Ambrose, James Scott


Frederik Meijer Honors College, Physics, Movement Science


Kirkhof Center KC43

Start Date

11-4-2012 9:00 AM


Gender, Physical Science


The purpose of this study is to compare the ability of right-handed male and female college students to learn to mirror-trace familiar and unfamiliar shapes. Each student will fill out a pre-test survey to verify their age, gender, and preferred hand, and that they have no previous experience in mirror-tracing. Ten men and ten women will perform the mirror-tracing experiment with a star (known shape), while a separate ten men and ten women will perform the mirror-tracing experiment with an unknown shape. Each will trace their shape 10 times, and their scores will be recorded.

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Apr 11th, 9:00 AM

Can You Use Your Hand? Mirror-tracing Familiar and Unfamiliar Objects Across Genders

Kirkhof Center KC43

The purpose of this study is to compare the ability of right-handed male and female college students to learn to mirror-trace familiar and unfamiliar shapes. Each student will fill out a pre-test survey to verify their age, gender, and preferred hand, and that they have no previous experience in mirror-tracing. Ten men and ten women will perform the mirror-tracing experiment with a star (known shape), while a separate ten men and ten women will perform the mirror-tracing experiment with an unknown shape. Each will trace their shape 10 times, and their scores will be recorded.