GIS Investigation, Evidence for Active Folding, Apsheron Peninsula, Azerbaijan

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Mentor Information

Peter Wampler




Kirkhof Center KC10

Start Date

11-4-2012 9:00 AM


Information, Innovation, and Technology, Physical Science


The Apsheron Peninsula, Azerbaijan and neighboring South Caspian Basin have many anticlines (up-folds) that produce significant quantities of oil. It is currently unknown whether folding is actively occurring in this region. I will study the Yasamal anticline in the semi-arid Apsheron peninsula using GIS to look for evidence for active folding. I use GIS to investigate the morphology and gradients of the streams flanking and crossing the anticline and map how they vary across the structure. I will use digital elevation models, aerial photos, satellite images, and a geologic map as base layers for my research. Preliminary GIS analysis and data layers will be supplemented with forthcoming thermochronology results from a suite of U-Th-He samples, which will be used to establish the timing of unburial and exhumation of the Apsheron anticlines.

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Apr 11th, 9:00 AM

GIS Investigation, Evidence for Active Folding, Apsheron Peninsula, Azerbaijan

Kirkhof Center KC10

The Apsheron Peninsula, Azerbaijan and neighboring South Caspian Basin have many anticlines (up-folds) that produce significant quantities of oil. It is currently unknown whether folding is actively occurring in this region. I will study the Yasamal anticline in the semi-arid Apsheron peninsula using GIS to look for evidence for active folding. I use GIS to investigate the morphology and gradients of the streams flanking and crossing the anticline and map how they vary across the structure. I will use digital elevation models, aerial photos, satellite images, and a geologic map as base layers for my research. Preliminary GIS analysis and data layers will be supplemented with forthcoming thermochronology results from a suite of U-Th-He samples, which will be used to establish the timing of unburial and exhumation of the Apsheron anticlines.