ScholarWorks@GVSU - Student Scholars Day: The Role of Extrinsic Contingency Focus in Consumer Product Preferences


The Role of Extrinsic Contingency Focus in Consumer Product Preferences

Presentation Type


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Mentor Information

Todd Williams




Henry Hall Atrium 48

Start Date

10-4-2013 9:00 AM

End Date

10-4-2013 10:00 AM




Extrinsic contingency focus (ECF) is a reflection of an individual's tendency to derive self-esteem from meeting socially vs. personally defined standards. Although ECF has already been shown to predict responses to advertising and public service announcements (Arndt et al. 2009; Williams, 2009), the relationship between ECF and preference for consumer products has not been explored. The two studies show that ECF predicts people's preferences for consumer products. Study 1 shows that ECF is related to preferences for image-oriented characteristics of consumer products, but unrelated to preferences for practical characteristics. In Study 2, ECF is shown to relate to a preference for high-status consumer products, but does not predict preferences for low-status consumer products.

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Apr 10th, 9:00 AM Apr 10th, 10:00 AM

The Role of Extrinsic Contingency Focus in Consumer Product Preferences

Henry Hall Atrium 48

Extrinsic contingency focus (ECF) is a reflection of an individual's tendency to derive self-esteem from meeting socially vs. personally defined standards. Although ECF has already been shown to predict responses to advertising and public service announcements (Arndt et al. 2009; Williams, 2009), the relationship between ECF and preference for consumer products has not been explored. The two studies show that ECF predicts people's preferences for consumer products. Study 1 shows that ECF is related to preferences for image-oriented characteristics of consumer products, but unrelated to preferences for practical characteristics. In Study 2, ECF is shown to relate to a preference for high-status consumer products, but does not predict preferences for low-status consumer products.