Ways in Which US Relations with Mexico Affected the Rights of Indigenous Women in Chiapas

Presentation Type


Presenter Major(s)


Mentor Information

Andrew Schlewitz


Area Studies - Latin American Studies


Henry Hall Atrium 94

Start Date

10-4-2013 9:00 AM

End Date

10-4-2013 10:00 AM


Gender, Historical Perspectives, World Perspective


In this presentation I will focus on women in the Zapatista movement and discuss how the North American Free Trade Agreement contributed to conditions that led indigenous women to join a cause that has a chance to advance their political and economic equality. Drawing on Mexican and US primary and secondary sources, I will suggest that the human rights policy in the United States has done little since the creation of NAFTA to address their inequality. I will also address what gains indigenous women have made in Mexico.

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Apr 10th, 9:00 AM Apr 10th, 10:00 AM

Ways in Which US Relations with Mexico Affected the Rights of Indigenous Women in Chiapas

Henry Hall Atrium 94

In this presentation I will focus on women in the Zapatista movement and discuss how the North American Free Trade Agreement contributed to conditions that led indigenous women to join a cause that has a chance to advance their political and economic equality. Drawing on Mexican and US primary and secondary sources, I will suggest that the human rights policy in the United States has done little since the creation of NAFTA to address their inequality. I will also address what gains indigenous women have made in Mexico.