The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on BMI and Quality of Health

Presentation Type


Presenter Major(s)

Biomedical Sciences

Mentor Information

Debbie Lown


Biomedical Sciences


Kirkhof Center KC63

Start Date

10-4-2013 2:00 PM

End Date

10-4-2013 3:00 PM




There are many variables that effect an individual's BMI and quality of health, one of which is sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation is defined as an average of 7 hours of sleep or less a night. We will examine the association between sleep deprivation, BMI and quality of health in GVSU students. A cross-sectional study will be conducted using surveys to measure sleep deprivation, work hours, academic college, number of credits, class, average number of naps a week, number of hours of sleep at night, self reported height and weight, gender, age and quality of health in GVSU students. For the continuous variables, t-tests will be performed to examine the differences in means by sleep group. For the categorical variables, chi square tests will be performed to examine the frequency of each variable by sleep group. We will report the associations between sleep deprivation, BMI and quality of health in GVSU students extending the limited literature on this topic in college-aged students.

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Apr 10th, 2:00 PM Apr 10th, 3:00 PM

The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on BMI and Quality of Health

Kirkhof Center KC63

There are many variables that effect an individual's BMI and quality of health, one of which is sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation is defined as an average of 7 hours of sleep or less a night. We will examine the association between sleep deprivation, BMI and quality of health in GVSU students. A cross-sectional study will be conducted using surveys to measure sleep deprivation, work hours, academic college, number of credits, class, average number of naps a week, number of hours of sleep at night, self reported height and weight, gender, age and quality of health in GVSU students. For the continuous variables, t-tests will be performed to examine the differences in means by sleep group. For the categorical variables, chi square tests will be performed to examine the frequency of each variable by sleep group. We will report the associations between sleep deprivation, BMI and quality of health in GVSU students extending the limited literature on this topic in college-aged students.