The Appearance of an Aberrant Muscle in the First Dorsal Interosseous Space

Presentation Type


Presenter Major(s)

Biomedical Sciences

Mentor Information

Chris Reed, Dawn Richiert, Tim Strickler, Melissa Tallman


Biomedical Sciences, Department, Biomedical Sciences


Henry Hall Atrium 66

Start Date

10-4-2013 9:00 AM

End Date

10-4-2013 10:00 AM


Health, Life Science


During the careful dissection of the dorsum of the hand of the cadaver of an eighty-six year old male, a small, round muscle was uncovered that extended from the base of the first metacarpal of the right hand to the proximal portion of the extensor hood of the second digit at the metacarpophalangeal joint. Typically the only musculature to occupy the first interosseous space on the dorsum of the hand is the first dorsal interosseous muscle. Here we describe the unusual presence of this muscle and discuss possible developmental reasons for its appearance.

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Apr 10th, 9:00 AM Apr 10th, 10:00 AM

The Appearance of an Aberrant Muscle in the First Dorsal Interosseous Space

Henry Hall Atrium 66

During the careful dissection of the dorsum of the hand of the cadaver of an eighty-six year old male, a small, round muscle was uncovered that extended from the base of the first metacarpal of the right hand to the proximal portion of the extensor hood of the second digit at the metacarpophalangeal joint. Typically the only musculature to occupy the first interosseous space on the dorsum of the hand is the first dorsal interosseous muscle. Here we describe the unusual presence of this muscle and discuss possible developmental reasons for its appearance.