


Streaming Media

Key Points

· This paper documents one foundation’s work to become a more diverse and inclusive foundation.

· The Kalamazoo Community Foundation adopted a diversity policy and established a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Equality Fund in 2000. In 2003 the foundation established an ad hoc diversity committee; the committee was formalized in 2007.

· An inclusion statement was adopted for unrestricted grantmaking in 2004, and was strengthened in 2012 along with the words “for all” added to the foundation’s mission statement. The inclusion statement was further modified in 2013.

· The foundation proclaimed itself an antiracist organization in 2010.

· In 2012 a diversity, equity, and inclusion section was added to the foundation’s annual employee survey. The following year, lessons learned were shared with donors and grantees.

Open Access
