"The Effects of Role-Play and Simulation as Pregnancy Prevention Strate" by Laura B. Moody

Date Approved


Graduate Degree Type


Degree Name

Nursing (M.S.N.)

Degree Program

College of Nursing


This quasi-experiment study tested the effectiveness of a simulation program on African American adolescent females’ attitude toward having a baby and their knowledge of risk factors associated with pre-marital sex. The experimental group (n=15) participated in Baby Think It Over (BTIO), a program using infant simulators (computerized dolls) and a didactic program - Saving Ourselves (SOS) and the Next Generation. The control group (n=15) was selected from a Black church.

The experimental group didn't significantly increase their attitude or knowledge scores and was not significantly more knowledgeable than the control group on post-testing. They did have significantly more realistic post-test attitudes toward teen pregnancy than the control group (t =2.02, p=.025).

Experimental group journal entries reflected clear indication that having a baby was more trouble than anticipated. While the design and sample were limitations, use of simulators proved a useful teaching strategy in the African American community.


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