"A Study of Licensed Physical Therapists' Knowledge Regarding Current L" by Jennifer Moine, Alexis Snyder et al.

Date Approved


Graduate Degree Type


Degree Name

Physical Therapy (M.S.)

Degree Program

Physical Therapy


The purpose of this study was to determine the amount of knowledge licensed physical therapists have regarding certain legislation at the state and federal levels. Potential relationships between degree of knowledge and therapist characteristics such as age, number of years in practice, and professional membership were also examined. A survey instrument was mailed to a random sample of licensed physical therapists in the state of Michigan.

Results indicated that licensed physical therapists who were members of a committee within the APTA, or held office in the organization had significantly more knowledge than physical therapists who did not (alpha=0.05). Being a member of the APTA, although not significant for the purposes of this study, showed potential for having increased knowledge (p=0.0561). Physical therapists who take an active role in the professional association tend to have higher levels of knowledge.


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