Current Issue: Volume 10, Issue 2 (2020)
A Study in Film and East Asia
Cinesthesia presents this new issue during a difficult time for people around the world and we are reminded that cinema remains a medium that can increase global understanding as it sheds light on the human condition. This issue examines the cinema of South Korea and Japan as well as representations of the Vietnam War. Essays explore last year's internationally successful Parasite, the Japanese New Wave, and the ways in which the conventions of the American war genre shifted in the late 1970s in response to the Vietnam war. We are pleased to publish a paper analyzing the layers of reality present in Bo Burnham's Eighth Grade in the context of the realist theories of Siegfried Kracauer.We are proud to note that this issue of Cinesthesia features work from Amherst College in Massachusetts.
Finally, the faculty advisors would like to recognize the outstanding work of Editor-in Chief Kyle Macciomei as well as Editor Jacob Twa who are graduating this semester. Our cover art was created by Sarah Wollensak. Click here to see more of her work.
A Change in Theatre
Ben Friedman
Parasite: A Film Review on Capitalism
John K. Kim
Eighth Grade: Found Footage and Found Story
Kaleb A. Liermann

Winter 2020 Editorial Board
- Editor-in-Chief
- Kyle Macciomei
- Editors
- Aaron Ponce
- Rachael McCollum
- Jake Twa
- Sarah Krishef
- Readers
- Tim Hagler
- Faculty Advisors
- Toni Perrine
- Spencer Everhart