Climate Change | Sustainability Research at GVSU | Grand Valley State University


Faculty Grant Awards

Improved Methods to Quantify Multi-Scale Puddle-filling and Puddle-merging (P2P) Overland Flow Processes Under Control of Microtopograpy, Michael Chu

Project to bring Nordhouse Dunes Wilderness up to and to Exceed the Minimum Levels for Wilderness Stewardship, Carol Griffin

Collaborative Research: Sustaining and Amplifying the ITEX AON Through Automation and Increased Interdisciplinarity of Observations, Robert Hollister

Inventory and Analysis of Historic Wetlands and their Functions in the Lower Grand River Watershed, John Koches

Urban Canopy GIS Data Layer, Model the Ecological Services the Urban Forest Provides, and Create a Map Portfolio and Summary Report for the City of Grand Rapids, Michigan, John Koches

Green Chemistry Education Network to Foster Higher Education Curriculum Development in Green Chemistry, Dalila Kovacs

Effects of Institutional Change on Regional Hydrometeorology, Elena Lioubimsteva

Multi-proxy Search for the Deglacial Deep Sea Carbonate Preservation Maximum in Antarctic Ice, Figen Mekik

ORNIS Project, Shaily Menon

Two-day Workshop for Middle and High School Teachers for Professional Development and Training, Karen Meyers

Workshop to Help Identify Opportunities to Develop Energy or fuel and Compost from Locally Available Biomass Resources, Michigan Alternative and Renewable Energy Center (MAREC) at Grand Valley State University-Muskegon

Environmental Stewardship and Education Network of University, School and Community Partners, Claudia Sowa

AWRI: Investigating the Effects of Changes in Lake Level on Coastal Ecosystems, Alan Steinman

Field-based Inventory of the Spring Lake, Michigan Shoreline to Identify the Locations of Stormwater Runoff and the Most Suitable Areas for Recommended Best Management Practices (BMPs), Alan Steinman

Faculty Publications

Exploration of a Submerged Sinkhole Ecosystem in Lake Huron, Bopaiah A. Biddanda, Dwight F. Coleman, Thomas H. Johengen, Steven A. Ruberg, Guy A. Meadows, Hans W. VanSumeren, Richard R. Rediske, and Scott T. Kendall

Great Lakes Sinkholes: A Microbiogeochemical Frontier, Bopaiah A. Biddanda, Stephern C. Nold, Steven A. Ruberg, Scott T. Kendall, T. Garrison Sanders, and Jefferson J. Gray

Nutrient Bioassays of Plankton Biomass and Metabolism in an Urbanized Drowned River-mouth Lake (Mona Lake, Michigan), Bopaiah A. Biddanda, Alan Steinman, Nemeth Lori, Ying Hong, Scott T. Kendall, and Richard R. Rediske

Temperature Affects Stoichiometry and Biochemical Composition of Escherichia Coli, James B. Cotner, Wataru Makino, and Bopaiah A. Biddanda

Global Assessment of Experimental Climate Warming on Tundra Vegetation: Heterogeneity Over Space and Time, Sarah C. Elmendorf, Gregory H.R. Henry, Robert D. Hollister, Robert G. Björk, Anne D. Bjorkman, Terry V. Callaghan, Laura S. Collier, Elisabeth J. Cooper, Johannes H.C. Cornelissen, Thomas A. Day, Anne M. Fossa, William A. Gould, Járngerður Gretarsdottit, John Harte, Luise Hermanutz, David S. Hik, Annika Hofgaard, Frith Jarrad, Ingibjörg S. Jonsdottir, Frida Keuper, Kari Klanderud, Julia A. Klein, Saewan Koh, Gaku Kudo, Simone I. Lang, Val Loewn, Jeremy L. May, Joel Mercado, Anders Michelsen, Ulf Molau, Isla Myers-Smith, Steven F. Oberbauer, Sara Pieper, Eric Post, Christian Rixen, Clare H. Robinson, Ørjan Totland, Tiffany Troxler, Carl H. Wahren, Patrick J. Webber, Jeffery M. Welker, and Philip A. Wookey

Offshore Wind Energy Development Outreach Videos, Betty Gajewski and Erik Nordman

Environmental Impacts of Land-based Wind Energy in West Michigan, Betty Gajewski, C Schoolmaster, and Erik Nordman

Evidence and Implications of Recent Climate Change in Terrestrial Regions of the Arctic, Larry D. Hinzman, Neil D. Bettez, F Stuart Chapin III, Mark B. Dyurgerov, Chris L. Fastie, Brad Griffith, Robert D. Hollister, Allen S. Hope, Henry P. Huntington, and Anne M. Jensen

Above and Belowground Plant Biomass Response to Experimental Warming in Northern Alaska, Robert D. Hollister and Kathryn J. Flaherty

Biotic Validation of Small Open-top Chambers in a Tundra Ecosystem, Robert D. Hollister and Patrick J. Webber

Plant Response to Temperature in Northern Alaska: Implications for Predicting Vegetation Change, Robert D. Hollister, Patrick J. Webber, and Christian Bay

Soil Thaw and Temperature Response to Air Warming Varies by Plant Community: Results from an Open-top Chamber Experiment in Northern Alaska, Robert D. Hollister, Patrick J. Webber, Frederick E. Nelson, and Craig E. Tweedie

Soil Temperature and Thaw Response to Manipulated Air Temperature and Plant Cover at Barrow and Atqasuk, Alaska, Robert D. Hollister, Patrick J. Webber, Robert T. Slider, Frederick E. Nelson, and Craig E. Tweedie

The Response of Alaskan Arctic Tundra to Experimental Warming: Differences Between Short- and Long-term Responses, Robert D. Hollister, Patrick J. Webber, and Craig E. Tweedie

Occurrence of the Toxin-producing Cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis Raciborskii in Mona and Muskegon Lakes, Michigan, Ying Hong, Alan Steinman, Bopaiah A. Biddanda, Richard R. Rediske, and Gary Fahnenstiel

Remote Sensing of Tundra Gross Ecosystem Productivity and Light Use Efficiency Under Varying Temperature and Moisture Conditions, K F. Huemmrich, J A. Gamon, C E. Tweedie, S F. Oberbauer, G Kinoshita, S Houston, A Kuchy, Robert D. Hollister, H Kwon, M Mano, Y Harazono, P J. Webber, and W C. Oechel

How do Valley Pocket Gophers Adjust to the Mediterranean Climate in a Mima Mound and Vernal Pool Habitat in San Diego County, California?, Jodee Hunt

The Economic Costs of Wind Energy, P Isley, Y Fan, and Erik Nordman

Stimulation of Lake Michigan Plankton Metabolism by Sediment Resuspension and River Runoff, Thomas H. Johengen, Bopaiah A. Biddanda, and James B. Cotner

Doughnut in the Desert: Late-winter Production in Southern Lake Michigan, Charles Kerfoot, Judith W. Budd, Sarah Green, James B. Cotner, Bopaiah A. Biddanda, and David J. Schwab

Nonlinear Controls on Evapotranspiration in Arctic Coastal Wetlands, A K. Liljedahl, L D. Hinzman, Y Harazono, D Zona, C E. Tweedie, Robert D. Hollister, R Engstrom, and W C. Oechel

Africa and the Global Climate Change: Impacts, Vulnerabilities, and Adaptation Challenges, Elena Liouimtseva

Climate Change in Arid Environments: Revisiting the Past to Understand the Future, Elena Liouimtseva

Climate Change in Turkmenistan, Elena Liouimtseva

Environmental Changes in Arid Central Asia Inferred from Remote Sensing Data and Ground Observations, Elena Liouimtseva

Global Food Security and Grain Production Trends in Central Eurasia: Do Models Predict a New Window of Opportunity?, Elena Liouimtseva

Global Food Security and Grain Production Trends in Central Eurasia: Do Models Predict a New Window of Opportunity?, Elena Liouimtseva

Grain Production Trends in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan: New Opportunities in Increasingly Unstable World?, Elena Liouimtseva

Human Dimensions of Climate Change in Arid and Semi-arid Environments: A Case Study of Post-Soviet Central Asia, Elena Liouimtseva

Possible Changes in the Carbon Budget of Arid and Semi-arid Central Asia Inferred from Landuse/Landcover Analyses During 1981 to 2001, Elena Liouimtseva

Russia's Role In The Post-2012 Climate Change Policy: Key Contradictions And Uncertainties, Elena Liouimtseva

Possible Implications of Increased Carbon Dioxide Levels and Climate Change for Desert Ecosystems, Elena Liouimtseva and J Adams

Assessing Societal Vulnerability and Adaptive Capacity to Climatic Change in Arid Central Asia, Elena Liouimtseva, W Capehart, K de Beurs, C K. Wright, and Geoffrey M. Henebry

Uncertainties of Climate Change in Arid Environments of Central Asia, Elena Liouimtseva and Roy Cole

Impacts of Climate and Land-cover Changes in Arid Lands of Central Asia, Elena Liouimtseva, Roy Cole, J M. Adams, and G Kapustin

Climate and Environmental Change in Arid Central Asia: Impacts, Vulnerability, and Adaptations, Elena Liouimtseva and Geoffrey M. Henebry

Potential Impact of Climate Change on the Grain Productivity in Central Eurasia: Human Vulnerability and Adaptations, Elena Liouimtseva and Geoffrey M. Henebry

Environmental Stress Effects on Vigor, Mortality, and Growth in Northern Hardwood Forests Along a Pollution-Climate Gradient, Neil W. MacDonald, John A. Witter, David D. Reed, Andrew J. Burton, Kurt S. Pregitzer, and Hal O. Liechty

Exploring the Hydrosphere, Climate, and Geologic History of Michigan, Steve R. Mattox and B Prough

Projected Climate Change Effects on Nuthatch Distribution and Diversity Across Asia, Shailey Menon, M Zafar-ul Islam, A Peterson, and A Townsend

Predictive Modeling of Plant Diseases to Manage Climate Change Risk in Forests, Shailey Menon and A T. Peterson

First-pass Global Assessment of Biodiversity Consequences of Sea Level Rise Mediated by Climate Change, Shailey Menon, J Soberon, X Li, and A T. Peterson

Citizen Views on Offshore Wind Energy in Lake Michigan, Erik Nordman

Offshore Wind Energy Outreach: Wind Farm Visualization, Erik Nordman

Offshore Wind Energy: Public Perceptions and Policy Dimensions, Erik Nordman

Reducing Air Pollution and Carbon Emissions in West Michigan with Wind Energy, Erik Nordman

Regional Response to a Statewide Renewable Energy Standard, Erik Nordman

Status of Offshore Wind Energy in Michigan’s Great Lakes, Erik Nordman

Wind Energy Deployment: Global Lessons for West Michigan, Erik Nordman

Wind Power and Human Health: Flicker, Noise and Air Quality, Erik Nordman

Citizen Views on Offshore Wind Energy in Lake Michigan, Erik Nordman and Betty Gajewski

Public Perceptions of Offshore Wind Energy in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, Erik Nordman, Celia Haven, Victoria Pebbles, and John Hummer

Offshore Wind Energy in Michigan: Implications for the Great Lakes Environment, Erik Nordman and Daniel O'Keefe

Offshore Wind Energy in Michigan: Economic Costs and Benefits, Erik Nordman and L Vaccaro

Citizen Views on Offshore Wind Energy: Benefits, Challenges, and Information Gaps, Erik Nordman, J VanderMolen, Betty Gajewski, and Aaron Ferguson

Carbon Dioxide Exchange Responses of Arctic Tundra Ecosystems to Experimental Warming Along Moisture and Latitudinal Gradients, Steven F. Oberbauer, Craig E. Tweedie, Jeff M. Welker, Jace T. Fahnestock, Greg H.R. Henry, Patrick J. Webber, Robert D. Hollister, Marilyn D. Walker, Andrea Kuchy, and Starr Gregory

Recent Advances in the Climate Change Biology Literature, A T. Peterson, Shailey Menon, and Xingong Li

Observations of the Middle Island Sinkhole in Lake Huron: A Unique Hydrologic and Glacial Creation of 400 Million Years, Steven A. Ruberg, Scott T. Kendall, Bopaiah A. Biddanda, Tyrone Black, Wayne R. Lusardi, Russ Green, Tane Casserley, Elliott Smith, Stephen C. Nold, T Garrison Sanders, Gregory A. Lang, and Stephen A. Constant

A Meta-Analysis of the Response of Soil Respiration, Net Mineralization, and Aboveground Plant Growth to Experimental Ecosystem Warming, L E. Rustad, J Campbell, G M. Marion, R J. Norby, M J. Mitchell, A E. Hartley, J H.C. Cornelissen, J Gurevitch, and Grand Valley State University

Decadal Variations of Active-layer Thickness in Moisture-controlled Landscapes, Barrow, Alaska, Nikolay I. Shiklomanov, Dmitry A. Streletskiy, Frederick E. Nelson, Robert D. Hollister, Vladimir E. Romanovsky, Craig E. Tweedie, James G. Bockheim, and Jerry Brown