IACCP Proceedings of the Biennial International Conferences
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Selected Papers from the XVIIth International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, 2004, Xi’an, Sha’anxi Province, China
Publication Date
Table of Contents
Peter Smith
Who are We, Where did We Come From and Where are We Going?
Theoretical Perspectives
John G. Adair
Beyond Indigenization: Asian Psychology’s Contribution to the World of Psychology
Lutz H. Eckensberger
Morality from a Cultural Psychology Perspective
Carl Ratner
Contextualism versus Positivism in Cross-Cultural Psychology
Ludmila N. Praslova
Culture as Unfolding Process: Integrating Perspectives in Building A Theory
Parenting, Socialization and Value of Children
Linda R. Cote & Marc H. Bornstein
Mothers’ Perceptions of Their Own and Their Spouses’ Parenting Styles in Cultures of Origin, Acculturating Cultures, and Cultures of Destination
Heidi Keller & Carolin Demuth
The Discursive Construction of Selfhood in Chinese and Euro-American Mother-Infant Interaction
Tiia Tulviste
Autonomy Orientation in the Socialization of Estonian Children
Isabelle Albert, Gisela Trommsdorff & Ramesh Mishra
Parenting and Adolescent Attachment in India and Germany
D. Klaus Validation of the Value of Children Measurement for Nine Countries
Jana Suckow
Dependence of the Values of Children on Socio-Structural Characteristics: The Case of Israel and Palestine
Gang Zheng & Shaohua Shi
Intercultural and Intracultural Differences in the Value of Children: Comparisons between Four Countries and the Urban, Rural, and Floating Populations in China
Identity, Attitudes, Inter-Group Relations and Acculturation
John Duckitt
Ethnocultural Group Identification and Attitudes to Ethnic Outgroups
Ajit K. Mohanty & Jayashree Saikia
Bilingualism and Intergroup Relationship in Tribal and Non-Tribal Contact Situations
Ute Stephan, Martin Lukes, Dominika Dej & Peter G. Richter
Attitudes towards and Perceptions of Entrepreneurs in Central Eastern Europe (Poland, the Czech Republic, and East-Germany)
Joanna Kwast-Welfel, Pawel Boski & Martin Rovers
Intergenerational Value Similarity in Polish Immigrant Families in Canada in Comparison to Intergenerational Value Similarity in Polish and Canadian Non-Immigrant Families
Emilia Lewandowska
More Polish or More British? Identity of the Second Generation of Poles Born in Great Britain
Ian K. B. Twaddle, Johnathan K. H. Lee, Staphanie M. Mansfield, Grace P. Sablan, & Jeffrey C. Mendiola
Developing Culturally Responsive Psychological Services for Micronesian International Students in Guam
Values, Personality, Emotions, and Cognitive Styles
Valery I. Chirkov
Culture, Personal Autonomy and Individualism: Their Relationships and Implications for Personal Growth and Well-being
Pawel Boski & Anna Antosiewicz
Love in Novels: Preferences for Authentic and Fake Gender Characters among Poles and Americans (At Home and in the Other Country)
Luz Maria Cruz-Martinez & Rozzana Sanchez-Aragon
Mexican Personality Types Inventory: Validity and Differences among Groups
Richard M. Sorrentino, Yasunao Otsubo, Satoru Yasunaga, Sadafusa Kouhara, Andrew Szeto & John Nezlek
Uncertainty Orientation and Emotional Responses to Everyday Life Within and Across Cultures
Dominika Cieslikowska
Object and Context in Perception and Memory: Polish-Chinese Comparison of Analytic and Holistic Thinking
Carolin Demuth, Monika Abels & Heidi Keller
Autobiographical Remembering and Cultural Memory in A Socio-Historical Perspective
Indigenous Studies: Historical, Psychological and Anthropological
Chun-Chi Lin & Susumu Yamaguchi
Japanese Folk Concept of Mentsu: An Indigenous Approach from Psychological Perspectives
Minati Panda
Saora Culture, As-If Discourse and Mathematics Learning
Andrzej Pankalla
‘Pudding-Like’ Identity of Our Times. Yage Ritual
ScholarWorks Citation
Zheng, G., Leung, K. & Adair, J.G. (Eds.) (2008)Perspectives and progress in contemporary cross-cultural psychology: Proceedings from the 17th International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology. https://doi.org/10.4087/IWUQ6689