ScholarWorks@GVSU - Interprofessional Education Initiative Conference: Michigan College of Optometry Interprofessional Wellness Clinic: Focus on Diabetes

Michigan College of Optometry Interprofessional Wellness Clinic: Focus on Diabetes

Presenter Information

Dean L. Luplow OD


DeVos 119E

Start Date

7-1-2011 2:00 PM

End Date

7-1-2011 2:30 PM


Purpose of Presentation: The purpose of this presentation is to convey to the participants in this workshop the intent, clinical procedure, and results of the Interprofessional Wellness Clinic at the Michigan College of Optometry at Ferris State University.

Background/Significance: The Interprofessional Wellness Clinic was begun in January 2004 with the objective of developing an interdisciplinary collaborative clinic utilizing Optometry, Pharmacy, and Nursing students and faculty to facilitate the understanding and appreciation of the contribution of each profession to the total management of diabetes. Additionally, each patient receives discipline-specific education and management from each profession, resulting in much improved understanding of their disease state, medications, modifying factors, and personal support from multiple disciplines.

Methodology: AII examinations and consultations are performed by students in their respective disciplines under the direction of faculty members of each profession, providing very practical experience in working with patients and various medical conditions. Each patient in the clinic receives comprehensive care from each of the represented disciplines followed by appropriate patient education from each profession. After all disciplines complete their evaluations and provide specific patient education they confer as a group to perform an interdisciplinary review with each discipline relating their respective examination findings and patient management recommendations to all members participating in the clinic. After each patient participates in the clinic, a letter is composed which outlines the findings of the clinic with appropriate recommendations for further care. This letter is sent to the patient's primary care physician and any other health care professional involved in the care of the patient.

Results: In the near seven year existence of this clinic, there has been statistically demonstrable acceptance of the clinical procedures and outcomes by its patients. Students have consistently expressed their positive view of the clinic with respect to working with the patients individually and the educational experience of the interdisciplinary setting.

Conclusion: The Interprofessional Well ness Clinic exemplifies a collaborative effort involving Optometry, Pharmacy, and Nursing at Ferris State University and is designed to provide interdisciplinary health care for patients in the Ferris and local communities.

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Jan 7th, 2:00 PM Jan 7th, 2:30 PM

Michigan College of Optometry Interprofessional Wellness Clinic: Focus on Diabetes

DeVos 119E

Purpose of Presentation: The purpose of this presentation is to convey to the participants in this workshop the intent, clinical procedure, and results of the Interprofessional Wellness Clinic at the Michigan College of Optometry at Ferris State University.

Background/Significance: The Interprofessional Wellness Clinic was begun in January 2004 with the objective of developing an interdisciplinary collaborative clinic utilizing Optometry, Pharmacy, and Nursing students and faculty to facilitate the understanding and appreciation of the contribution of each profession to the total management of diabetes. Additionally, each patient receives discipline-specific education and management from each profession, resulting in much improved understanding of their disease state, medications, modifying factors, and personal support from multiple disciplines.

Methodology: AII examinations and consultations are performed by students in their respective disciplines under the direction of faculty members of each profession, providing very practical experience in working with patients and various medical conditions. Each patient in the clinic receives comprehensive care from each of the represented disciplines followed by appropriate patient education from each profession. After all disciplines complete their evaluations and provide specific patient education they confer as a group to perform an interdisciplinary review with each discipline relating their respective examination findings and patient management recommendations to all members participating in the clinic. After each patient participates in the clinic, a letter is composed which outlines the findings of the clinic with appropriate recommendations for further care. This letter is sent to the patient's primary care physician and any other health care professional involved in the care of the patient.

Results: In the near seven year existence of this clinic, there has been statistically demonstrable acceptance of the clinical procedures and outcomes by its patients. Students have consistently expressed their positive view of the clinic with respect to working with the patients individually and the educational experience of the interdisciplinary setting.

Conclusion: The Interprofessional Well ness Clinic exemplifies a collaborative effort involving Optometry, Pharmacy, and Nursing at Ferris State University and is designed to provide interdisciplinary health care for patients in the Ferris and local communities.