ScholarWorks@GVSU - Interprofessional Education Initiative Conference: Using Simulation to Create an Interprofessional Experience for Nursing and Physician Assistant Students

Using Simulation to Create an Interprofessional Experience for Nursing and Physician Assistant Students


DeVos 109D

Start Date

7-1-2011 2:00 PM

End Date

7-1-2011 2:30 PM


Purpose of Presentation: This presentation will describe an Interprofessional simulation experience developed for Nursing and Physician Assistant students.

Background/Significance: The current health care system in the United States is extremely complex. Advances in technology and a deeper understanding of the human response to illness have created an environment that challenges health professionals in the provision of safe, quality health care. Education of such professionals must evolve with the changing environment. The Institute of Medicine (10M) convened an interprofessional team to develop recommendations for changes in the education of health professionals to meet these challenges (2003). One specific recommendation of the 10M is that all health care professionals should be trained to function in interprofessional teams; however professional education has traditionally occurred in silos, with no formal exposure to the roles of other health professionals. This leaves the new graduate unprepared to work as a member of the health care team.

Methodology: A simulated primary care office was created in a suite of eight patient rooms; standard patients were scripted to reflect specific chief complaints and placed in each room. Nursing students in their first clinical semester of a baccalaureate program provided nursing assessment while physician assistant students in their didactic year provided medical assessment. After gathering the nursing assessment, the student nurse communicated the findings to the physician assistant student. Both students then returned to the patient for the medical assessment. Upon completion of the exam, the two students discussed the patient findings and conferred on the appropriate treatment plan. Each student participated in the development of the plan.

Results: No formal research is being conducted on this project. Comments from the students include "I really enjoyed working together to help the patient", and "this experience helps me solidify what I have learned and continue to practice my skills while in a rea/life situation".

Conclusion: This project has been very beneficial for all the students involved, so much so that this IPE experience has been instituted twice a semester, every semester. The simulation, cases and logistics of this IPE simulation experience continues to evolve and improve with each semester.

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Jan 7th, 2:00 PM Jan 7th, 2:30 PM

Using Simulation to Create an Interprofessional Experience for Nursing and Physician Assistant Students

DeVos 109D

Purpose of Presentation: This presentation will describe an Interprofessional simulation experience developed for Nursing and Physician Assistant students.

Background/Significance: The current health care system in the United States is extremely complex. Advances in technology and a deeper understanding of the human response to illness have created an environment that challenges health professionals in the provision of safe, quality health care. Education of such professionals must evolve with the changing environment. The Institute of Medicine (10M) convened an interprofessional team to develop recommendations for changes in the education of health professionals to meet these challenges (2003). One specific recommendation of the 10M is that all health care professionals should be trained to function in interprofessional teams; however professional education has traditionally occurred in silos, with no formal exposure to the roles of other health professionals. This leaves the new graduate unprepared to work as a member of the health care team.

Methodology: A simulated primary care office was created in a suite of eight patient rooms; standard patients were scripted to reflect specific chief complaints and placed in each room. Nursing students in their first clinical semester of a baccalaureate program provided nursing assessment while physician assistant students in their didactic year provided medical assessment. After gathering the nursing assessment, the student nurse communicated the findings to the physician assistant student. Both students then returned to the patient for the medical assessment. Upon completion of the exam, the two students discussed the patient findings and conferred on the appropriate treatment plan. Each student participated in the development of the plan.

Results: No formal research is being conducted on this project. Comments from the students include "I really enjoyed working together to help the patient", and "this experience helps me solidify what I have learned and continue to practice my skills while in a rea/life situation".

Conclusion: This project has been very beneficial for all the students involved, so much so that this IPE experience has been instituted twice a semester, every semester. The simulation, cases and logistics of this IPE simulation experience continues to evolve and improve with each semester.