"Relational Liaising to Integrate Informed Learning into the Disciplina" by Kim L. Ranger


information literacy, informed learning, scholarly communication, relational leadership, relational liaising

Document Type

Contribution to Book


Library and Information Science


This conceptual chapter sets the stage for how librarians can support informed learning. It looks at how the intersections between informed learning, Bakhtin’s philosophy of communication, and relational leadership contribute to a model of relational liaising. The chapter provides examples of practical applications, interdisciplinary collaboration, and shared leadership which librarians and other teachers can adapt for specific arts, humanities, or social sciences disciplines. Many of the illustrations are set within communication-related curricula but also include the arts.


Original Citation:

Ranger, K. (2019). Relational Liaising to Integrate Informed Learning into the Disciplinary Classroom. In K. Ranger (Ed.), Informed Learning Applications: Insights from Research and Practice (Vol. 46). Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Retrieved from https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/book/10.1108/S0065-2830201946
