"Introduction for Informed Learning Applications: Insights from Researc" by Kim L. Ranger

Document Type

Contribution to Book


Library and Information Science


Informed learning practice encompasses a range of approaches including collaboration between librarians and classroom instructors (whose primary responsibility is teaching regularly-scheduled courses) to construct connections between informed learning theory, information literacy practice, and disciplinary scholarly products to foster reflective and deep engagement with information. Informed learning differs from other approaches to information literacy in that the focus is on both the process of learning disciplinary content and the knowledge gained as a result of interacting with information (information literacy experiences) while seeking, evaluating, and citing. Reflection, transformation, and relationship are vital elements of informed learning, and scholarly communication is integrated into the process, not simply an end product. As librarians foster informed learning, they expand the relationships between instructors, student learning, and the world of information.


Original Citation:

Ranger, K. (2019). Introduction. In K. Ranger (Ed.), Informed Learning Applications: Insights from Research and Practice (Vol. 46). Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Retrieved from https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/book/10.1108/S0065-2830201946
