ACRL Access Services Interest Group: Student Employment Virtual Forum


Access Services, Student Employment, User Experience


Library and Information Science


As the work in Access Services evolves, student employment roles and practices need to be continuously examined. Reconsider your Access Service department’s student employment model during this virtual forum facilitated by Brian Merry and Kristin Meyer from Grand Valley State University. Participants will be introduced to the enhanced role student employees fill within GVSU’s single service desk environment and will identify new approaches to student recruiting, training, and performance evaluation. This session is meant for student supervisors as well as Access Services department heads/administrators.


Recording of the February 9, 2017, ACRL Access Services Interest Group: Student Employment Virtual Forum

UX Student Employee Learning Plan Year 1 Document.pdf (158 kB)
UX Student Employee Learning Plan Year 1 Document

UX Student Recruiting and Hiring Plan.pdf (635 kB)
UX Student Recruiting and Hiring Plan

This document is currently not available here.
