
Issues in TESOL

Issues in TESOL manuscripts may provide a new perspective on an important or controversial issue in TESOL or explore areas that do not fit into the Research Paper or Researched-Based Teaching Techniques categories.

Word Range: Up to 3500-7500 words

Sections Needed:

  • Abstract
  • Clearly articulated issue
  • A rationale for why this issue is important in the field
  • Brief history of the issue and literature to contextualize it
  • Brief discussion of alternative views on the issue
  • Exploration of issue, including strengths/weaknesses of argument being made by the author
  • Concluding statements
  • References

Example of an Issues in TESOL paper Bogart, P. S .H. (2007). Teaching North American English rhythm: What, whether, why and how. In Caplan, N. A. & Pearson, C. M., Eds. All “A”s in the classroom: Preparing ESL teachers and learners. Selected proceedings of the 2006 Michigan Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Conference, October 20-21, 2006. Lansing, MI: Michigan State University.