General Guidelines for Submissions to MITESOL Journal
For all submissions, please follow this general format guidelines and the specific formatting details (see below) for your submission type:
- A title page with contact details: name, address, telephone, fax, email, article title, author names(s) with institutional affiliation(s), article type, and abstract (150 word maximum).
- The remaining pages should be numbered consecutively, starting with a 150-word abstract numbered as page 1 and the main text of the article starting on page 2. All charts and graphs must be “camera ready” (that is, they must print clearly in black and white and in normal margins).
- All graphics and charts should be prepared as separate files. Please use widely accepted file formats.
- The page number and title should be placed in the upper right-hand corner of each page, and the style and bibliographic references should conform to those set out in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th Edition.
- There should be no information identifying the author(s) on page 1 through the end of the manuscript either in the form of a header or footer or in the body of the article.
Specific Guidelines by Article Type
In addition to meeting the General Guidelines requirements, you should follow the required formatting specifics for the type of article you have prepared at one of these links. You can find these and sample papers in the links below:
- Research paper
- Issues in TESOL
- Research-based teaching techniques
- Books and material reviews
- Research-based program descriptions.
Submission Process
Send files as Word documents (.docx) in email attachments to the Submissions Editor only.
Katie Coleman:
Submissions Editor, MITESOL Journal: An Online Publication of MITESOL
University of Michigan
Email confirmation of sent documents will be sent within two weeks of submission. If you do not receive a confirmation email within two weeks, please resend your submission. The MITESOL Journal is not responsible for lost emails.
Authors should anticipate working with an editor to refine their manuscripts and render them suitable for this publication. The editors reserve the right to make non-substantive changes in the interest of clarity, conciseness, and consistency.
If you have not published before or are confused by any of the guidelines, please contact the submissions editor for clarification and advice.