
Author Bio

Dr. Bena Hartman is the author of two children's books, jasmine Can and September's Big Assigrzment. She is a former classroom teacher and university professor of reading education. She is currently working on a picture book called An Elephant-Size Dream.

Julie Kayganich is a recent graduate of Madonna University, where she studied language arts for elementary education. She currently serves as the Editorial Assistant for the MR] Julie enjoys reading and reviewing children's tides for the journal, as well as sharing her favorites with students with whom she works.

Kathleen Plond, a kindergarten teacher at Washington Parks Academy, is also a certified reading specialist. She holds a master of arts in teaching literacy from Madonna University

Nicole Podsiadlik is an early childhood education student at Madonna University.

Katie Rener is a recent graduate of Madonna University and the former Editorial Assistant for the MR] As an English major, she is passionate about supporting students' creativity as readers and writers. She believes that books can open up a new world for students and is always looking for another great read to dive into.

Kristina Rouech is an assistant professor of education at Central Michigan University. She earned her Ph.D. in Reading and Language Arts with a cognate in children's literature from Oakland University. Her current areas of interest are reading aloud, questioning strategies, and teacher training.


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