Kathleen A. Hinchman is Professor in the
Reading and Language Arts Department and
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in the School
of Education at Syracuse University. A former
middle school teacher, she teaches literacy methods
courses and seminars. A co-editor with Kelly
Chandler-Olcott of the Journal of Adolescent and
Adult Literacy, her scholarship includes grants,
articles, and books, including Reconceptualizing
the Literacies in Adolescents’ Lives with Donna E,
Alvermann, Best Practices in Adolescent Literacy
Instruction with Heather Sheridan-Thomas, and
the Adolescent Literacies Handbook of Practice-based
Research with Deborah A. Appleman. Her current
scholarship explores policy implications of literacy-
related secondary school reform and use of
formative design to explore methods of adolescent
literacy instruction.
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Recommended Citation
Hinchman, Kathleen A.
"Situating Adolecent Literacy Research in Adolescents' Stories,"
Michigan Reading Journal: Vol. 49:
1, Article 11.
Available at:
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