"The Genre(s) of Argumentation in School Mathematics" by Kristen N. Bieda, David M. Bowers et al.

Author Bio

Dr. Kristen N. Bieda is an Associate Professor of Teacher Education in the Program in Mathematics Education at Michigan State University, where her research focuses on the design of early field experiences for secondary prospective mathematics teachers and supporting all teachers to engage students in mathematical practices. She also serves as the Associate Director of Mathematics for the CREATE for STEM Institute. She can be reached at kbieda@msu.edu.

David M. Bowers is a doctoral student in Michigan State University's Program in Mathematics Education who specializes in research that applies conceptual tools from philosophy, psychoanalysis, and literacy to the study of education, mathematics, and all of the various intersections and extensions thereof. David has previously taught mathematics and engineering for grades 7-16, and has a passion for breaking down the often artificial barriers that exist between the disciplines. He can be reached at bowersd2@msu.edu.

Valentin Küchle is a mathematics education graduate student at Michigan State University specializing in research in undergraduate mathematics education. He is interested in students' experience(s) in introduction to proof courses, the learning of abstract algebra, and mathematics instructors' beliefs about mathematics and the teaching and learning thereof. He can be reached at kuechlev@msu.edu.


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