Dr. Chad Waldron is an Assistant Professor of Education
in Literacy at the University of Michigan-Flint.
His research and teaching focus on early and elementary
literacy practices, with current research in family
literacies. He can be reached at chadwald@umich.edu.
Michelle McQueen is committed to educating students,
colleagues, families, and the community through
spreading awareness of best education practices.
Currently the Regional Multi-Tiered System of Support
(MTSS) Consultant on behalf of MDE, she is supporting
Intermediate School Districts to effectively scale-up
practice, programs, assessments that would fall under a
MTSS framework. She lives in Davison, Michigan with
her family and enjoys reading, traveling and gardening.
She can be reached at mmcqueen@miblsimtss.org.
Dear MRJ Author(s): The MRA Board has approved the release of this article in open access format. If you have questions about your content in the MRJ archives, please contact mrj@cmich.edu and we will respond to your concerns.
Recommended Citation
Waldron, Chad H. and McQueen, Michelle
"Arriving At School Ready! Integrating Michigan’s Literacy Essentials into
Prekindergarten Classrooms,"
Michigan Reading Journal: Vol. 52:
2, Article 8.
Available at:
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