"A Teacher's Guide to Vocabulary Development Across the Day" by Annie P. Spear

Author Bio

Annie Petrozzelli Spear has been in the field of education for over 20 years and holds a Master of Education in Reading and a Master of Arts in Elementary Education. She has taught in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Michigan. She is an Early Literacy Coach at C.O.O.R. Intermediate School District, consultant, and co-author of Let’s Talk: Getting Your Baby Ready to Read. Annie was a Principal Investigator and Reading Clinic Coordinator for The Literacy Center at Central Michigan University where she remains an adjunct faculty member. Annie aims to facilitate learning around literacy development and to provide actionable ways for educators to meet children's needs through research-supported practices. She has a passion for engaging and collaborating with families in authentic ways linked to literacy research. She lives with her family in Northern Michigan and can be reached at anniespear@gmail.com.



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