ScholarWorks@GVSU - Re-think it: Libraries for a New Age: Furniture Industry Panel

Presentation Type


Start Date

11-8-2015 12:30 PM

End Date

11-8-2015 1:45 PM


Panelists from three major furniture designers, Haworth, Herman Miller and Steelcase, all located close to the Grand Valley campus, will share their stories about using furniture to revitalize and repurpose spaces for both large and small spaces. They’ll talk about matching function to form, designing for maximum flexibility, catering to the needs of different age groups, and, along the way, address what librarians need to bring to the table when they work with furniture designers.

wp_Once_and_Future_Library.pdf (40 kB)
The Once and Future Library

wp_Innovation_Through_Experience.pdf (197 kB)
Innovation Through Experience


Aug 11th, 12:30 PM Aug 11th, 1:45 PM

Furniture Industry Panel

Panelists from three major furniture designers, Haworth, Herman Miller and Steelcase, all located close to the Grand Valley campus, will share their stories about using furniture to revitalize and repurpose spaces for both large and small spaces. They’ll talk about matching function to form, designing for maximum flexibility, catering to the needs of different age groups, and, along the way, address what librarians need to bring to the table when they work with furniture designers.