ScholarWorks@GVSU - Re-think it: Libraries for a New Age: Evaluation

Presentation Type

Invited Panel

Start Date

12-8-2015 11:15 AM

End Date

12-8-2015 12:15 PM


The panelists represent three libraries that have created new and exciting spaces for students to study, learn, and create: the Knowledge Commons at Penn State, the Knowledge Market at Grand Valley, and the 1South Collaborative Commons at Northwestern. Each panelist has used various methods to collect data about the space’s use and effectiveness, including field observations, interviews, Google analytics, perceptual data from student evaluations, and the participatory design approach. The presentation will focus on the development of these spaces and what was learned about student behavior from these evaluation methodologies.


Aug 12th, 11:15 AM Aug 12th, 12:15 PM


The panelists represent three libraries that have created new and exciting spaces for students to study, learn, and create: the Knowledge Commons at Penn State, the Knowledge Market at Grand Valley, and the 1South Collaborative Commons at Northwestern. Each panelist has used various methods to collect data about the space’s use and effectiveness, including field observations, interviews, Google analytics, perceptual data from student evaluations, and the participatory design approach. The presentation will focus on the development of these spaces and what was learned about student behavior from these evaluation methodologies.