Volume 13, Issue 2 (2021) Shifting Power in Philanthropy
Full Issue
Executive Summary
Front Matter
Free Access
Shifting Power in Maine: Findings From a Six-Year Community-Based Health Initiative
Susan Foster, Teresa Doksum, and Charles Dwyer
Walking the Talk in Participatory Philanthropy
Megan Meyer, Emily Smith Goering, Karen Hopkins, Cheryl Hyde, Nicole Mattocks, and Jonalyn Denlinger
(In)equality Through Unrestricted Grantmaking: Examining Trust and Power in the Collaboration Between the Dutch Charity Lotteries and Their Grantees
Olivier Hunnik, Arjen de Wit, and Pamala Wiepking
Strategy Resilience: Getting Wise About Philanthropic Strategy in a Post-Pandemic World
Jewlya Lynn, Clare Nolan, and Peter Waring
Holding Foundations Accountable for Equity Commitments
Tanya Beer, Patricia Patrizi, and Julia Coffman
Youth and the Juvenile Court System: A Community Foundation’s Commitment to Integrating Voice and Community Expertise
Michael A. Yonas, Jennifer C. Sloan, Anna Hollis, Tiffany Sizemore, Kathi Elliott, Michelle McMurray, and Jeanne Pearlman
How to Encourage Sustainable Change: A Reflection on How Philanthropy Can Partner With Grantees to Build Organizational Capacity
Allison Dymnicki, Alex Hooker, and Rebecca Goldberg
The Revolution Within: What It Really Takes to Partner With Communities
Courtney Ricci, Nancy Csuti, and Mia Ramirez
Back Matter