The Foundation Review // The peer-reviewed journal of philanthropy | Vol 16 | Iss 2

Volume 16, Issue 2 (2024) Democracy, Equity, and Power

This issue is open access and free to download thanks to funders and in honor of the journal's 15th anniversary.

Executive Summary

Front Matter



Hanh Cao Yu

Free Access


What Practices for Shifting Power Are Core to Advancing Racial Equity?
Kantahyanee W. Murray, Ji Won Shon, Ashley Barnes, Natalia Ibanez, Karuna Sridharan Chibber, Janelle Armstrong-Brown, and Elvis Fraser


Strategy for Now
Jara Dean-Coffey and Jill Casey


The Weight of Power: Reframing Evaluation in Philanthropy to Amplify the Voices of Communities of Color
Martena Reed, Blanca Flor Guillen-Woods, Kantahyanee W. Murray, Dabney Brice, Ashley Barnes, and Liza Mueller