Volume 5, Issue 4 (2013) Open Access
Executive Summary
Front Matter
Free Access
Support for Sister-Affiliated Ministries During Challenging Times: Understanding a Foundation Initiative in Two Regions
Mark Small, Robert L. Fischer, Lynn Berner, and Stephanie Kripa Cooper-Lewter
Offices of Strategic Partnerships: Helping Philanthropy and Government Work Better Together
James M. Ferris and Nicholas P. O. Williams
If You Build It, They Will Come: Creating the Space and Support for Real-Time Strategic Learning
Jewlya Lynn, Rebecca Kahn, Phillip Chung, and Scott Downes
Goal-Free Evaluation: An Orientation for Foundations’ Evaluations
Brandon W. Youker and Allyssa Ingraham
Implementation and Evaluation of a Multidimensional Nutrition and Physical Activity Initiative Funded by a Community Health Foundation
James Pann, Angela Yehl, Peter Wood, Janisse Schoepp, Gabrielle Solomon, and Craig Enders