Volume 8, Issue 5 (2016) Open Access
Full Issue
Executive Summary
Front Matter
Free Access
Aiming High: Foundation Support for State Advocates Brings Universal Children’s Health Coverage Within Reach
Sheila Dunleavy Hoag, Debra J. Lipson, and Victoria Peebles
Through the Looking Glass: Foundation Evaluation and Learning and the Quest for Strategic Learning
Suzanne Kennedy Leahy, Sandra Wegmann, and Lexi Nolen
Lessons About Evaluating Health-Coverage Advocacy Across Multiple Campaigns and Foundations
Leslie Foster, Mary Harrington, Sheila Hoag, and Debra Lipson
Laying the Groundwork for a National Impact Investing Marketplace
Stephanie L. Gripne, Joanne Kelley, and Kathy Merchant
Designing Technical-Assistance Programs: Considerations for Funders and Lessons Learned
Jennifer Lyons, Sheila Dunleavy Hoag, Cara Orfield, and Sonya Streeter
Book Review: American Generosity: Who Gives and Why By Patricia Snell Herzog & Heather E. Price
Jason Franklin
Back Matter