Volume 9, Issue 1 (2017) Exit Strategies
Co-sponsored by the S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation, Atlantic Philanthropies, and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation.Executive Summary
Front Matter
Free Access
The Legacy of a Philanthropic Exit: Lessons From the Evaluation of the Hewlett Foundation’s Nuclear Security Initiative
Anne Gienapp, Jane Reisman, David Shorr, and Amy Arbreton
Partnership With Government: An Exit Strategy for Philanthropies?
Colin Knox and Padraic Quirk
Evaluation at Sunset: Considerations When Evaluating a Program as It Concludes
Blair Beadnell, Holly Carmichael Djang, Jan Vanslyke, and Barbara Andersen
Breaking Up Is Hard to Do
Barbara Kibbe
Exiting From Large-Scale Initiatives: Lessons and Insights From a National Scan of Philanthropy
Hanh Cao Yu, Moninder-Mona K. Jhawar, and Daniela Berman
End-Game Evaluation: Building a Legacy of Learning In a Limited-Life Foundation
Ashleigh Halverstadt and Benjamin Kerman
Changing in Place: The Skillman Foundation, Detroit, and the Good Neighborhoods Initiative -- How did a hometown grantmaker conduct and conclude its largest-ever initiative?
Marie Colombo and Bob Tobin
Back Matter