Volume 23, Issue 1 (1990)
Front Matter
Michigan Reading Journal
From the Editor
Myrna Webb
The Active Reader
Noel M. Eichhorn
The State of Reading: What Michigan Administrators Know
Maria M. Shelton, Cathleen D. Rafferty, and Leonie M. Rose
Becoming a Nation of Readers: A Report for Every Reading Teacher
Karen Hanus, Sharon Smaldino, and Margaret Sulentic
Repeated Readings of Short Text: Three Techniques
Jeanne M. Jacobson
MRA 1990 Conference: "Reading: A Heritage for All"
Michigan Reading Journal
Text Survey for Students
Georgann Schuster
Notetaking While Reading a Textbook
Toni S. Walters
Themes of Disability in Literature
Susan L. Gabel
A Hypothetical Model for an Interest-Based Approach to Remedial Reading
Marsha L. Baumgarten