Volume 31, Issue 3 (1999)
Front Matter
Michigan Reading Journal
The Courage to Teach Writing
Dr. Helen V. Gill
Qualified Teachers Mean Quality Reading for Needy Kids
Timothy Shanahan
Invitations to Michigan Literacy: Our Initiatives
Annena Z. McCleskey
Invitations to Michigan Literacy: Our Legacies
Elaine Weber
Invitations to Michigan Literacy: Our Visions
W. Dorsey Hammond
Workforce Literacy Training to Empower Employees Whose Literacy Levels Do Not Meet Job Requirements
Leslie Ann Oja
Assessing Children's Picture Books: Assisting Teachers in Integrating Science and Literature
Dr. Sandra Cain and Dr. Leonie Rose
Deep Viewing
Barbara Freed
ABC's of Reading Summary Response Report
Mary McFarland-McPherson
Call for Manuscripts
Michigan Reading Journal